Ni's Acupuncture Center & Natural Wellness Clinic
Chinese Traditional Medical Association
Acupuncture / Pain Management
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
Natural and Holistic Therapies
Preventative Medicine
505 Delannoy Ave
Cocoa FL 32922
(321) 454-9259
1420 Celebration Blvd #311
Celebration FL 34747
By Appointment Only
10AM- 2PM, 4PM-6PM
(321) 323-9139
Ni's Acupuncture Center/CTMA is the sole distributor for Sheng Foong herbal extract powders for North America.
Sheng Foong is currently the only government certified large scale producer of crude herb powder-free chinese medicine concentrates in Taiwan. Products are safe and sanitary, with exceptional effectiveness and quality.

Sheng Foong runs an ISO17025 certified laboratory and subjects all products to strict quality inspections before being released to market. Products meet or exceed most national health and safety standards and are currently sold across Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia and Australia.

Many common brands of herbal powders pass GMP or ISO 9001/2000. This is not the same thing as ISO17025 laboratory tested. GMP guidelines vary in every country. Furthermore they are only a set of general principles to be observed during manufacturing. ISO 9001/2000 requirements are generic and are intended to be applicable to most organizations, regardless of type, size and product provided. ISO/IEC 17025:2005 specifies the requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling. It is applicable to all organizations performing tests and/or calibrations. These include, for example, first-, second- and third-party laboratories, and laboratories where testing and/or calibration forms part of inspection and product certification. It is much more important for herbal products to be tested in an ISO17025 laboratory than it is to meet ISO 9001/2000 requirements. Sheng Foong has not only passed GMP and ISO 9001/2000, but it runs an ISO17025 certified laboratory and subjects all products to strict quality inspections before being released to market.
Sheng Foong Brand powders come in single herbs and premade formulas. This allows the practitioner greater flexibility in choosing a base formula as a start with the addition of one or two single herbs to complement the formula. This gives the practitioner peace of mind without worrying about inventory. Many practitioners have found it easier to keep a formula pharmacy stocked than a single herb pharmacy stocked. This cuts costs without the need of extra bottles to fill or herbal inventory to keep in stock.
With over 170 single herbs and 110 formulas, we're sure to have exactly what you need.

For price list or more information, please contact us at the following:
hantanglee3149@hotmail.com (ä¸äº¤)
hantangherb@gmail.com (English)